Success Stories
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA - helping-Brands by John R Fugazzie Success Stories of the Meeting & LinkedIn Group Members, and my personal coaching and access to my large professional network. On January 2019 we will celebrated 8 years and counting for NhNUSA as we have helped over 900+ people land jobs though participation in our organization. We have over four hundred personal success stories how NhNUSA organization has helped them return to work, go into business, and improve their professional networks. Our volunteer leaders land jobs at 85% rate Our members who attend meetings weekly benefit more and have more success than those who occassionally attend meetings. Our Linkedin Group is over 4416+ strong many are recrutiers and community businesses who want to help our members land work. Our Facebook Group has 2231+ members Networking is critical to your job search success. I myself was the 3rd success story for Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA and my NhN work has helped me to transistion to my current career and helped provided me with the national subject matter expert status. My youngest son Tyler landed his position as Marketing and Communications Manager at Virtual Enterprises via a NhN member sending him a job lead The River Edge based support group started on January 27, 2011 and have been holding free weekly meetings ever since. Each year we find that fewer candidates who do land positions do not report in or do not want to provide us with their story as to how NhN has helped in the job search process. This seems to be common situation as I learned also in my year with the Ready To Work NJ grant where many who landed jobs with coaching help from our group didn’t report back when they did land. We really feel as part of our pay it forward concept and culture it is important that candidate who land help our other members who are still looking for work with both networking help, advice and a short story how NhN helped them. The candidates are the ones who land jobs but it is a lot of different people and organizations that help support these candidates while they are looking and keep the motivated. Our success stories are important to all of us and we ask you share them in your own words and with as much detail as you are comfortable with. We only use first names and meeting locations or our virtual group locations when reporting out successes. Please consider when you land reporting your story and offer help in networking and inspiration for the others who are still working hard at landing a job in this very difficult economy. Our group is extremely proud of the work it has done and the large number and rapid rate of success stories of members getting jobs, and we wanted to detail some of these success stories. Not all members report back when they get jobs so we know or numbers are even higher than the ones who report in and give us their short story to help motivate the others in the group We encourage you to connect with our success stories on the NhN LinkedIn group as when they land their network grows and they can be more helpful with connections. We always need to find volunteer facilitators, as our facilitators seem to land faster than our general members as they take on responsibility and show leadership skill, which allows them to be more attractive job candidates. Founders appeal to you to tell your storyIt is important for those who are still find a job and job advancement difficult that those who we have helped in any way tell their stories, the effort to chase down those that have landed is more than I have time to do, as i need my time spent earning a living and doing all the volunteer work i do, This organization is incredible and as you all know I have extreme passion to help others, I am also training others to learn our system offer our meetings so our capacity to help others keeps increasing. I ask that all of you who have benefited in any way from association with our group, our members, my input and our social media efforts and online resources take a few minutes and in your own words tell your story that can be motivation to help others. You do not have to identify your full name your first name and group or resource you used. You are the one who is responsible for landing a new job and a career advancement, we are here to help. Please share your story to the degree you are comfortable as it will help others, and this is the pay it forward culture of all we do. Thanks
Recent great success stories:
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The Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA job search support and networking group started in the River Edge Public Library as a free, all volunteer led, weekly meetings on January 27, 2011 and has been holding weekly meetings in multiple locations ever since. The group expanded into libraries, colleges, internationally and we are building more partnerships with workforce organizations and non profits to help work to get people back to work. Our expansion has increased due to our significant online presence and our very large and active online group on LinkedIn.
When you realize that 85% of the NhN members who engage fully in the program and attend weekly meetings, use all our resources like the Top 100 career web site, the NhN (4100+ member ) LinkedIn group our success rate in helping job seekers is unprecedented o a national basis.
Beyond the members who have landed the other great value we provide as a group is the continued support and motivation that the attending weekly meetings can provide to all the members conducting a job search campaign. This is a very difficult and challenging process and having the great support of all our members both at meetings and in our LinkedIn group is beyond explanation. You must experience for yourself to fully understand the power of this group and its members.
When you realize that 85% of the NhN members who engage fully in the program and attend weekly meetings, use all our resources like the Top 100 career web site, the NhN (4100+ member ) LinkedIn group our success rate in helping job seekers is unprecedented o a national basis.
Beyond the members who have landed the other great value we provide as a group is the continued support and motivation that the attending weekly meetings can provide to all the members conducting a job search campaign. This is a very difficult and challenging process and having the great support of all our members both at meetings and in our LinkedIn group is beyond explanation. You must experience for yourself to fully understand the power of this group and its members.
NhN is a lifetime membership as all experts we talk to are saying that jobs and work is more short term and more temporary today in this changed economy we are faced with. It is important to know that long tenures are a thing of the past we need to keep our networking and job search skills up to date and every week we will have members meeting in libraries to help each other with this challenging task. There have been several more and will be more each week but the common theme to all of the success stories is the members unselfish willingness to support and encourage each other at weekly meetings, this positive approach for all is inspiring to anyone who becomes involved with this group of people and who take courageous steps to find their well deserved jobs.