Create a customized partnership with us.
helping-Brands is open to partnering with all our brands, programs and community efforts and to create customized area licenses.
We are open to partner with community focused private sector companies,
local economic and workforce development public, private and Nonprofit organizations
Expeience in building strategic partnership can't be created when there is passion and the will to be successful in your mission and to help your community.
NhNUSA is a 12+ year old very successful community model program for job search support, leadership training and networking.
Our growth and exposure was fostered by our partnerships with Local Libraries who from the beginning hosted our meetings for our out of work members to have a weekly place to meet, hold our meetings and to be able to access the support and resources that the public libraries have to offer. Even with our move to vitrual meetings we still have many library partnerships that still are active today,
Advertise, Sponsor and Partner
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA web site community portal and social media network
In 11+ years since Jan 2011 we have built one of them most social impactful organizations fueled
by an extensive network of volunteers and people who believe in "paying it forward".
Come join our efforts by volunteering, become a sponsor, become an advertise or partner your organization of company with us.
This is a social enterprise organization with the focus on community leadership.
Contact [email protected]
Partner with helping-Brands
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA web site community portal and social media network
In 11+ years since Jan 2011 we have built one of them most social impactful organizations fueled
by an extensive network of volunteers and people who believe in "paying it forward".
Come join our efforts by volunteering, become a sponsor, become an advertise or partner your organization of company with us.
This is a social enterprise organization with the focus on community leadership.
Contact [email protected]
Partner with helping-Brands
Our web site portal helps thousands with 312,000+ pages visited in 2021 of free resources growth of 125,047
more pages visited over 2020, with countless helpful links to key career advancement information.
2021 saw growth of our NhNUSA portal of 21.5%. +12,685 new unique visitors over 2020 !!
more pages visited over 2020, with countless helpful links to key career advancement information.
2021 saw growth of our NhNUSA portal of 21.5%. +12,685 new unique visitors over 2020 !!
Neighbors-helping-Neighbors USA - Community Social Enterprise Partnership
Please feel free contact me:
email : [email protected]
LinkedIn :
Skype : john.fugazzie
Cell phone : 551.204.5667
Community Social Impact Partnerships
We have had a 5 year partnership in Madrid Spain with a foundation at a major univeristy that has helped 85 clients land jobs since we started there.
Also established at Fairleigh Dickinson University Hackensack Campus where I have been teaching master level classes in the Hispanic Center and Puerta al Futuro program
we have two partnerships with Alumni and students.
We also have build custom efforts to help with a specific issue to help selected groups get back to work.